VitoWhisper Blog - What's Full Auto Glock Switch and What's It Installation Guide

What’s Full Auto Glock Switch and What’s It Installation Guide?

In the world of firearm customization, the Full Auto Glock Switch has garnered attention as an accessory that enhances shooting experiences. At, we recognize the curiosity surrounding this device and its installation process. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what the Full Auto Glock Switch is and provide a step-by-step tutorial for its proper installation.

Note: It’s important to emphasize that firearm modifications and installations should adhere to all relevant laws and regulations. Misuse or improper installation can have serious legal consequences.

What is a Full Auto Glock Switch?

The Full Auto Glock Switch is an aftermarket accessory designed to modify Glock pistols for full automatic firing. This switch, when installed correctly, allows the firearm to fire continuously with a single pull of the trigger, emulating the rapid-fire capability of fully automatic weapons.

Installation Guide Step by Step

vitowhisper glock full auto switch easy assembled

Step 1: Ensure Legal Compliance

Before proceeding with any firearm modification, including the installation of a Full Auto Glock Switch, it’s crucial to research and understand the laws and regulations that govern firearm accessories and modifications in your jurisdiction. Compliance with the law is essential to avoid legal complications.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Tools and Components

Collect all the tools and components needed for the installation process. This may include the Full Auto Glock Switch kit, a set of compatible tools, and any additional components required for proper fitment.

Step 3: Safety First

Ensure the firearm is unloaded and free from any ammunition. Safety goggles and hearing protection are recommended throughout the installation process.

Step 4: Disassemble the Glock

Follow standard Glock disassembly procedures to access the internal components of the firearm. Remove the slide and access the trigger assembly.

Step 5: Identify Components

Carefully review the components included in the Full Auto Glock Switch kit. Familiarize yourself with each component and its purpose in the modification.

Step 6: Install the Full Auto Glock Switch

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions provided in the kit to install the Full Auto Glock Switch. This may involve replacing or modifying certain trigger components to accommodate the switch.

Step 7: Test and Function Check

After installation, reassemble the Glock and conduct a thorough function check. Confirm that the Full Auto Glock Switch is working as intended and that the firearm cycles safely.

Step 8: Range Testing

Take the modified firearm to a shooting range for testing. Pay careful attention to its performance, including its firing rate and overall reliability. Make any necessary adjustments based on your observations.

The Full Auto Glock Switch is a firearm accessory that requires careful consideration before installation. It’s important to prioritize safety, legality, and proper understanding of your firearm’s mechanics. If you choose to install the Full Auto Glock Switch, follow manufacturer instructions meticulously and conduct rigorous testing to ensure both safety and performance.

Disclaimer: It’s essential to highlight that installing a Full Auto Glock Switch could lead to serious legal consequences and potential safety hazards. encourages responsible firearm ownership and adherence to all laws and regulations. Always consult legal experts and firearms professionals before making any modifications to your firearm.

For high-quality firearm accessories and components, visit Our customer support team is available to answer any questions you may have about firearm customization and responsible ownership.